An RV generator offers reliable power and performance, but it also comes with inherent safety risks. These can be quite serious, such as carbon monoxide poisoning. Use the following safety tips to reduce the risks and get the most out of your Honda® generator usage. 

For more safety advice or to shop Honda generators for sale, visit Golden Gait Trailers & RVs. Our dealership is based in Concord, North Carolina, and we also serve Charlotte and Winston-Salem.

Review The Owner's Manual

Start by checking the manufacturer's recommendations. There may be things unique to your model that you should focus on or avoid to promote safe generator usage. If you can't find the paper manual, there is likely a version online.

Inspect The RV Generator

Honda is known for reliable and long-lasting products, but all models will suffer inevitable wear and tear due to use. It's important to catch any issues early and fix them before your next RV trip.  Using a compromised portable generator can lead to safety issues, so take the time to regularly inspect your Honda generator. Look over the various parts and make sure nothing is damaged or needing replacement. 

If you uncover a problem, get it addressed sooner rather than later. Maintenance issues can often trigger other problems that can make safety risks worse and the repair bill higher.

Outfit Your RV With Carbon Monoxide Detectors

A big safety risk of portable generators is carbon monoxide poisoning, which is why it's important to get carbon monoxide detectors for your camper. That way, you will be alerted to growing carbon monoxide levels caused by the portable generator.

Follow Proper Fuel Practices

Eventually, the Honda generator will burn through its fuel and need more. But don't add fuel to a warm or hot generator! Instead, turn it off and let it cool down first.

It's also important to store fuel correctly. Place it in an approved container and away from heat sources. If the fuel sits unused for over a month, you will likely need to add fuel stabilized.

Put The RV Generator In A Safe Spot

Don't use the Honda generator in an enclosed space. Instead, place it outside the RV.

Try to keep the generator away from windows, doors, and vents. This will make it harder for carbon monoxide to enter the RV and cause a safety situation.

If you want to shop Honda generators for sale, check out the collection at Golden Gait Trailers & RVs. Our expert staff is happy to help you find the best model for your budget and needs. Contact us or visit our dealership in Concord, North Carolina. We also proudly serve those in Charlotte and Winston-Salem, North Carolina.